Ἄνχελ Ὀλγόσο (Ángel Olgoso): Ἡ προσμονή




Ἄν­χελ Ὀλ­γό­σο (Ángel Olgoso)



(La expectativa)


02-OmikronΜΠΟΡΑΝ κα­τα­δι­κά­στη­κε σὲ ἰ­σό­βια κά­θειρ­ξη. Πέ­ρα­σαν τὰ χρό­νια. Πέ­θα­ναν οἱ δε­σμο­φύ­λα­κες καὶ οἱ ἀν­τι­κα­τα­στά­τες τῶν δε­σμο­φυ­λά­κων. Ἐ­ξα­φα­νί­στη­κε τὸ ἀν­θρώ­πι­νο εἶ­δος. Τὰ ἀ­τσα­λέ­νια κάγ­κε­λα δι­α­λύ­θη­καν ἀ­πὸ τὴ συ­νε­χῆ καὶ ἀ­δυ­σώ­πη­τη δι­ά­βρω­ση τοῦ ἀ­έ­ρα. Τό­τε ὁ Μπο­ράν ἀ­πέ­δρα­σε. «Ἦ­ταν ἁ­πλῶς θέ­μα χρό­νου» μο­νο­λό­γη­σε.




Πη­γή: Mini71cuentos, Ἀν­θο­λο­γί­α ἰ­σπα­νό­φω­νου δι­η­γή­μα­τος, Δί­γλωσ­ση ἔκ­δο­ση, Ἐ­πι­λο­γὴ – Εἰ­σα­γω­γὴ – Με­τα­φρα­στικὴ ἐ­πι­μέ­λεια: Κων­σταν­τῖ­νος Πα­λαι­ο­λό­γος, Ἐκ­δό­σεις Μι­χά­λη Σι­δέ­ρη, Ἀ­θή­να 2012.

Ἄν­χελ Ὀλ­γό­σο (Ángel Olgoso): (Γρα­νά­δα, 1961). Τὸ 1991 δη­μο­σί­ευ­σε τὸ πρῶ­το του βι­βλί­ο μὲ δι­η­γή­μα­τα μὲ τί­τλο Los dias subterraneos. Θε­ω­ρεῖ­ται ἀ­ρι­στο­τέ­χνης τοῦ μι­κρο­δι­η­γή­μα­τος. Tὸ «La expectativa» πε­ρι­λαμ­βά­νε­ται στὴ συλ­λο­γὴ Cuentos de otro mundo, Βα­γι­α­δο­λίδ, Caja España, 1999. Τὸ ἱστο­λό­γιό μας τοῦ ἔκα­νε ἀφιέ­ρω­μα, μὲ τὴν συ­νερ­γα­σί­α τῆς με­τα­φρά­στριάς του Νάν­συς Ἀγγελῆ, καὶ τοῦ πῆρε σχετικὴ συ­νέ­ντευ­ξη. Βλ. πε­ρισ­σό­τε­ρα ἐδῶ.

Με­τά­φρα­ση ἀ­πὸ τὰ ἰ­σπα­νι­κά:

Ἐρ­γα­στή­ριο Με­τά­φρα­σης Μι­κρο­δι­η­γη­μά­των ἀ­πὸ τὰ ἰ­σπα­νι­κὰ στὰ ἑλ­λη­νι­κὰ ὑ­πὸ τὴν ἐ­πί­βλε­ψη τοῦ Κων­σταν­τί­νου Πα­λαι­ο­λό­γου.

Πε­ρισ­σό­τε­ρα βλ. «Ἡ­με­ρο­λό­γιο Κα­τα­στρώ­μα­τος» (Ἡ­με­ρο­μη­νί­α: 16-07-2013).


Achilleas Kiriakides: [Time flies and Lazarus…]




Achilleas Kiriakides


[Time flies and Lazarus…]


15-tIME FLIES and Lazarus becomes more and more impatient, enclosed in the cave he has already walked from end to end, feeling its damp walls, like a short fused secret which strolls around a huge sealed mouth, or like a voice which hesitated the last moment and became haunting, on soft cheeks but on the unseen side, how is it possible that darkness exists in so many shapes, but sometimes he feels floating in a liquid firmament, swimming uncontrollably in a curious pool of lightness, like in the old days with his insecurity and all his troubles and he was looking then, before death we mean, to find the motive or the reason which would give him strength to navigate his life again, to believe like a good mortal should that everything is possible, that even the miracle belongs to the simplicity of logic, that he would be in here now, waiting in the dark antechamber, renting colour to his thoughts so as not to lose his mind, red and rosy and yellow and that colour that exists but has no name, as well as the one he would first see when he came out, and how could one stand such whiteness all at once, when the time comes and hears the voice from the past telling him to front and feel the gigantic pressure pushing him, like a rudderless boat heading surely to the waterfall, a storm of lights welcoming him and finding himself once more the speechless subject of a familiar grip, getting patted in the back again, hearing people wishing him to live long, and immediately bursting into tears.




Source: Achilleas Kiriakidis, Perverted Stories, Ipsilon editions, Athens 1988, [story xi].

Achilleas Kiriakidis (Cairo, 1946). Studied Economics. He has written short stories, small proese pieces, essays, scripts for short movies. His first book is the short story collection Diafaneia, Dodoni editions, 1973. He translates from Spanish and English.

Translated from the greek by

Vassilis Manoussakis (Athens, 1972). Poet, short-story writer, translator. He holds a Ph.D. in Con­tem­porary American Poetry. He currently teaches at the Hellenic American University in Athens.
